Dry Eye: Hypochlorous Acid Spray

Hypochlorous Acid Spray: A Safe and Effective Solution for Eyelid Hygiene

It may surprise you to know that over 30% of Canadians live with dry eye disease and blepharitis. But today, with hypochlorous acid spray, you can say goodbye to dry, itching eyes.

Hypochlorous acid has shown remarkable efficacy against various microorganisms, helping fight against infection, reducing inflammation, managing the body's reaction to injury, and promoting the body's innate ability for healing.

Interestingly, the hypochlorous acid spray has also been studied and approved for dry eyes. In this article, you'll learn about the hypochlorous acid spray, its role in eyelid hygiene, and its effectiveness in eradicating Blepharitis and Demodex.

What is the Hypochlorous Acid Spray?

Hypochlorous Acid (HOCl) is a chemical that occurs naturally in our bodies that is produced as a first line of defense against microbial invaders by white blood cells (immune system). It has a significant history in the healthcare profession. During World War I, it was first utilized to treat wounds and infections.

Doctors have used hypochlorous acid for many years as a disinfectant and a treatment for wounds because they know its medicinal benefits.

This natural disinfectant is utilized in various areas, including eye care, wound care, and dermatology. It offers prompt comfort from dry eyes and red and itchy eyelids that may be caused by blepharitis.

Why it's important for eyelid hygiene

Hypochlorous acid eradicates blepharitis, chronic dry eyes, and demodex in eye care. It can effectively relieve styes and dry eyes.

The hypochlorous acid spray has been used as an effective treatment for dry eyes. The number of bacteria on the eyelids and eyelashes is significantly decreased by hypochlorous acid, a powerful natural antibacterial. Moreover, Hypochlorous acid has also been shown to help treat both bacterial and viral conjunctivitis.

Some of the benefits of hypochlorous acid spray are:

  • Aid in natural infection control

  • Faster styes resolution

  • Boost the body's innate ability for healing

  • Lessening of the redness around the eyelids

  • Less stickiness in the eyelashes when you wake up

Hypochlorous acid spray uses in eyecare

The hypochlorous acid spray has diverse applications, including treating rosacea, eczema, and dermatitis. Some of the most common uses are:


It's an inflammation of the oil glands in your eyelids. It is accompanied by an invasion of bacteria along the eyelid and eyelashes. Blepharitis is usually challenging to treat. It can recur even after being properly treated.

However, the hypochlorous acid spray has been proven to help eradicate blepharitis. Over 90% of the bacterial burden and inflammation around our eyes are reduced by it.


It is a mite that lives in human hair follicles, primarily on the face. These mites are present in almost everyone. However, they often don't harm anyone. But in people with compromised immune systems or skin conditions, Demodex may spread unchecked. This may result in demodicosis, an irritating and itchy condition.

The hypochlorous acid spray aids Demodex eradication by decreasing their living span due to its antibacterial qualities. It successfully eradicates the Demodex mite nymphs inside the Demodex's gut and lives on eyelids.


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