Digital eye strain, also known as computer vision syndrome (CVS), refers to the collection of symptoms that occur as a result of prolonged and excessive use of digital screens such as computers, smartphones, tablets, and other electronic devices. When engaging in tasks that require extended periods of screen time, the eyes can experience discomfort and fatigue.
The primary cause of digital eye strain is the visual demands imposed by digital screens. Unlike printed materials, screens emit high-energy blue light and have lower contrast, leading to increased visual effort. Some common factors that contribute to digital eye strain include:
Blue Light Exposure: Digital screens emit a significant amount of blue light, which can cause eyestrain and disrupt the sleep-wake cycle.
Screen Glare and Reflections: Poor lighting conditions and reflections on screens can lead to eye discomfort and strain.
Viewing Distance: Sitting too close or too far from the screen can strain the eyes as they constantly adjust focus.
Poor Ergonomics: Incorrect posture, improper positioning of screens, and uncomfortable workstations can contribute to eye and muscle strain.
The symptoms of digital eye strain may vary from person to person but often include:
Eye Fatigue: Tired, achy, or dry eyes after prolonged screen use.
Blurred Vision: Difficulty focusing or experiencing fluctuating vision.
Headaches: Persistent or recurrent headaches, often near the brow or behind and around the eyes.
Neck and Shoulder Pain: Muscular discomfort due to poor posture during screen use.
Increased Light Sensitivity: Sensitivity to bright lights or glare during and after screen exposure.
20/20/20 RULE
The 20/20/20 rule is a guideline recommended to reduce eye strain and prevent digital eye fatigue. Every 20 minutes, look at an object that is at least 20 feet away for 20 seconds.
By looking at a distant object, your eyes are encouraged to adjust their focus, blink more frequently, and reduce the strain caused by prolonged screen viewing. Additionally, shifting your gaze to a distant object allows the ciliary muscles (responsible for changing the shape of the lens) to relax, reducing eye fatigue.
A digital eyewear measuring tool that uses an iPad and a specialized device to customize your lenses for ultimate clarity.
As most digital devices are viewed in down gaze position, it is crucial to take multiple facial and pupillary data points. Our trained staff will measure the vertical positioning of her eyes in relation to your face, to ensure the best viewing position when looking down at your phone and laptop.
Hoya Sync lenses are a specific type of eyeglass lenses designed to help alleviate eyestrain and provide enhanced visual comfort.
Accommodative Support: Hoya Sync lenses incorporate a design feature known as "Dynamic Sync" technology. This technology helps support the eyes' natural accommodation process, allowing for smoother and more comfortable focusing transitions between different viewing distances. By minimizing the effort required for refocusing, the lenses can reduce eye strain and improve visual comfort.
Dry eye drops can help relieve eye strain by providing lubrication and moisture to the eyes, reducing dryness and associated discomfort.
Lubrication: Dry eye drops act as a substitute for natural tears, providing a smooth and lubricated surface for the eyelids to glide over, reducing friction and irritation.
Moisture Retention: Dry eye drops can help prevent excessive evaporation of tears from the ocular surface, keeping the eyes adequately hydrated and reducing the dryness that can contribute to eye strain.