Myopia Control: MiSight Lenses by Cooper Vision


Childhood nearsightedness or myopia has been growing prevalent, affecting 20% of Canadians. Fortunately, an innovative technology has made it possible to slow down the progression of myopia in age-appropriate children: MiSight lenses by CooperVision.

MiSight lenses help children experience freedom from glasses and clear vision.


Myopia is a refractory error, which occurs when the eyes are unable to focus light correctly, resulting in blurry distance vision. The condition occurs when the cornea is too curved or the eyeball grows too long.

Myopia or shortsightedness is indicated by having blurred vision when viewing distant objects, squinting eyes, and frequent headaches. Myopia typically affects children aged between 8 and 12 years, and progressives in teenage years. If your child has myopia, the chances are they’re more likely to develop other eye diseases, like detached retina or cataracts. 

The following are common risk factors:

 1. Abnormal Eye Development:

Myopia occurs when the light rays are reflected in front of the retina rather than on the retina. Other causes are thickened lenses and a curved cornea. Later on, it results in the elongation of the eyes.

2. Spending More Time On Devices:

Excessive use of devices, like phones and computers leads to the development of myopia. Reading books for prolonged periods while lying is also a contributing factor. 

3. Myopic Parents:

Kids with myopic parents are more likely to develop myopia. If one parent is myopic, the chances are three times more. If both the parents are myopic, the chances are six times more.


 The use of MiSight contact lenses made by CooperVision was approved by the U.S. food and drug administration (FDA) in 2019. The contact lenses are especially ideal for myopic children between the ages of 8 and 12 years. MiSight lenses not only correct nearsightedness, but also reduce the progression of myopia.

MiSight contact lenses are soft, disposable, and single-use lenses and should be discarded at the end of each days (not intended to be worn overnight).


MiSight contact lenses contain concentric rings that are especially designed for children to control myopia. MiSight lenses works like traditional corrective lenses by correcting refractive error and improving blurry distance vision in myopic children, but they also redirect the focusing part of light in front of the retina, thus controlling the progression of myopia.

We have an array of solutions ready for you! Click here to learn another way we can help with shortsightedness.

Nearsightedness. Myopia. Optometry in vancouver.

Please contact us to schedule an appointment to discuss if MiSight lenses are the best choice for your child.


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