Dry Eye: Cataract Surgery


Cataract surgery is indicated when there is clouding of the natural lens causing blurry vision. As the procedure is incisional, the ocular surface must be in optimal condition in order to maximize the visual outcome post-surgery.

Cataract Surgery. Optometrist in vancouver.

Our tears do more than provide lubrication to our eyes. There are many electrolytes, proteins, immuno-globulins, and anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory mediators which protect our corneas on a daily basis. In addition, tears provide a smooth optical surface. When the tear film is compromised, patients often report fluctuation in vision, increased glare, light sensitivity, burning, stinging, eye fatigue and even excess tearing.

Cataract Surgery. Eye Specialist. Optometry. Optometrist in Vancouver.

Although many advancements have been made, cataract surgery still requires an incision in the cornea. If the tear film is not smooth and/or not fully coating the surface of the cornea, then dry eye symptoms are often worsened after surgery.

Do you want to know other alternatives to treat Dry Eye? Learn all about Intense Pulse Light (IPL) Treatments

It is important to discuss your corneal surface with both your optometrist and cataract surgeon to better understand your visual outcomes and recovery times, especially if considering premium intra-ocular lens implants.

If you have been diagnosed with dry eye disease, blepharitis and/or meibomian gland dysfunction, there are many treatment options available. Typically, dry eye patients will require 2-3 months of active therapy to be in optimal condition for cataract surgery.

Please contact our office, located in Vancouver, to schedule your dry eye evaluation and discuss your custom treatment plan.


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