Eyestrain: How to relieve tired eyes


With the increased use of digital screens, many people are now experiencing computer vision syndrome. The increase screen time typically leads to less blinking and more staring. This will lead to headaches, dryness, tearing, burning, tired eyes and more.

EyeStrain. Relieve Tired Eyes. Optometry. Eye Care

Here are six helpful tips to relieve eyestrain:

  1. Set up your workstation with your eyes in mind - Adjust your chair, desk, and monitor for the optimal distances and settings. Also, keep preservative-free tears handy, and utilize a small humidifier to keep your eyes from drying out during extended screen time.

  2. Change your screen settings - Newer monitors display crisp, sharp images without problems with flicker.  While this may look stunning, your eyes weren’t meant to look at bright, vivid screens for hours. Turn down the brightness and use backlighting to prevent eye strain.

  3. Adjust your lighting - Room or task lighting should come from behind or overhead, not directly at your face. Utilize a glare guard to reduce reflections.

  4. Take breaks - Use the 20 X 20 X 20 Rule. Take breaks every 20 minutes for 20 seconds by looking 20 feet away. Reset your focus to a distant object to relax the strain on your vision.

  5. Blink on purpose - Consciously make an effort to blink while using electronic devices. Blinking spreads tears across your eyes, which provide nutrients and moisture.

  6. Ensure your eyeglasses are optimized for computer use - Schedule an eye exam. And, be sure to measure the distance from your eyes to the monitor before your appointment. You may want a pair of glasses specifically set for computer use or a customized lens designed to reduce eye strain.

  7. Talk to a professional you can always discuss all your symptoms with a professional. You can book a consultation with us here!

Single vision lenses. Optometry. vision.

Eyestrain: Blinking Exercises


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