Dry Eye: MiBoFlo

MiBoFlo: Treatment For Meibomian Gland Dysfunction                                          

Have you recently been experiencing symptoms like dry eyes and blurred vision? Are you looking for high-quality dry eye treatment for better vision? Having an eye disorder that interferes with your daily life can be very challenging. 

 If you’re looking for a high-quality eye treatment option for improving better vision and eye health, then this article is for you. This article includes information about an effective option for treating diseases like dry eye disease (DED) and meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD).


MiBoFlo. Dry Eye Treatment. Optometrist in vancouver.

Meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD) is an eye disorder which occurs when small glands in your eyelids, called meibomian glands, are inflamed and clogged. Inflamed meibomian glands do not secrete enough oil (meibum) to lubricate the eyes, resulting in dry and irritated eyes. MGD affects many people with an estimated worldwide prevalence of 35.8%. 

Some people experience only temporary episodes related to MGD, while others have chronic symptoms associated with MGD that interfere with daily life activities. Symptoms of MGD include:

  • Dry, gritty eyes

  • Light sensitivity

  • Blurred vision

  • Eyestrain on digital devices

  • Discomfort in contact lenses

  • Itchy eyes


The MiBoFlo treatment is an effective treatment for patients having dry eye disease. This innovative technology is used to improve the expression of meibomian glands so that they can produce enough liquid in the tear film to lubricate and moisturize the eyes. 

The MiBoFlo treatment works by using a thermoelectric heat pump for liquefying the dried-up tears and improving the expression of the meibomian glands so that they can produce greater volumes of oil. The result is better visual comfort and moisturized eyes.

After the treatment, the eyelids are gently massaged so that the flow of oil (meibum) through the meibomian glands can be improved. The treatment not only protects the meibomian glands but also improves their function.

MiBoFlo. Dry Eye Treatments. Optometrist in vancouver.

The MiBoFlo treatment is entirely non-invasive and improves dry eye symptoms within the first few days. Now, you can enjoy the spa-like appointment and massage treatment with the benefits of long-lasting visual health and stable vision. 

The MiBoFlo treatment, unlike other eye treatments like LipiFlow, is a less expensive method with comparable effectiveness. A series of three sessions of Miboflo at False Creek Eye Care is $299, whereas Lipiflow can cost between $1000-1500.


Having dry and irritated eyes for a long time can be a symptom of meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD). The MiBoFlo treatment is a cost-effective, non-invasive, and innovative technology to treat dry eyes by improving the function of the meibomian gland that produces oil to moisturize the eyes. Unlike at-home treatment options, the MiBoFlo therapy provides relief within a few days. 


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